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Can I Get My Job Back After Rehab?

Here’s a question you’ll always hear from someone that is considering going to rehab for treatment: “can I get my job back after rehab?”

A lot of people are hesitant about going to rehab and treat their addiction problems because they fear that such a step might have a negative impact on their career. 

There are also others who are afraid that going to rehab and announcing their substance abuse issues might deter employers from hiring them in the future.

In this article, you’ll learn more about your rights as an employee as well as the best way to discuss the matter with your employers.

Getting Your Job Back After Rehab

In the majority of cases, you’ll most likely get your job back when you’re back from rehab. One of the things you should know that keeping your job after rehab depends on various factors. 

These factors include:

  • Your history of addiction and substance use
  • The way you left for your rehab
  • Your progress in treatment once you’re back and willing to commit to your new lifestyle
  • Agreements and policies you’ve agreed to when you were hired by your employer.

Telling Your Employer About Rehab

If that’s your first time to go to rehab, then it all comes down to your rights as an employee and the way you left for rehab.

Let’s start by telling your employer about your substance abuse problems and your intentions to seek help.

Be Upfront with Your Employer about Your Problem

One thing you should know is that, no matter how much you think that your addiction isn’t affecting your performance at work, it’s always the opposite. Addiction brings in inconvenience and a lack of focus, which always affects your output.

Being as transparent as possible when it comes to discussing the problem with your employer is important, especially If you’re on good terms with your employer and they’re sympathetic.

Get Work Done Before Leaving

No matter how supportive your employer and co-workers are, you shouldn’t leave without getting your projects and work done.

Make sure you coordinate with your boss and coworkers to take care of your work tasks while you’re gone.

Telling Your Co-workers About Your Leave

While it’s essential that you tell your employer the truth, you may want to keep the matter private and not let your coworker know about your situation. In that case, you can simply tell them that you’re taking a leave of absence or a vacation.

Know Your Rights

The Americans with Disabilities Act enforces laws that eliminate discrimination against individuals with disabilities, including those who are recovering from addiction.

Your job should be protected during your stay in rehab due to the Family and Medical Leave Act for up to 12 weeks. However, you should keep in mind that this act covers an individual with alcohol abuse and not illicit drugs.

Getting Hired After Rehab

If you’re unhired and concerned about your chances of hiring, the previous acts will ensure that you find a job as long as you’re clean.

However, you can even take the easier path and simply travel for rehab outside your local area, where you can protect your privacy and stay anonymous.

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