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Caring for Loved Ones While They Are in Rehab

Although being in rehab means you’re away from your loved ones, almost all facilities will still depend on the patient’s family and close friends to help them through this difficult stage.

However, on the other side, a lot of people who need addiction treatment will have concerns regarding caring for loved ones while they are in rehab, especially the children. 

This includes the arrangements for child care, finances for the family, and telling the children about the time they won’t be there.

Keep on reading, If you want to know how to take care of your loved ones during your stay in rehab.

How to Care for Your Children While You’re in Rehab

For a parent that’s considering rehab, caring for the children while they’re away is usually the biggest concern.

Luckily, there are several options that you can opt for if you’re looking for convenient care for your children.

If you have a spouse or a significant other, they can handle children’s care while you’re away. However, for single parents, things are a bit more challenging.

Of course, the first option that some people go for (and sometimes is also the best) is seeking help from a close family member or a friend that they trust dearly. This includes:

  • Parents
  • Sibling
  • Closest friends

Some people may also contact a daytime child care facility for their services. In special cases like single dads and moms, some rehab centers might allow you to bring your kids to the facility.

In fact, some opt for that option to help the children if they suffer from any mental issues or traumas from the addiction time.

How to Inform Your Kids That You’re Going to Rehab

Now that you’ve sorted out children’s care, it’s time to tell them why you’re leaving for a while. Remember that some kids are too young to understand, so you have to avoid complicated terms and language.

Also, a lot of psychiatry experts recommend that you make sure your kids understand that leaving isn’t their fault.

Financing Options for Your Family and Kids

The first thing to consider while thinking about paying for rehab is your insurance. According to the Affordable Care Act in 2010, addiction treatment is now covered by both government and private health insurance companies. 

But, if a loved one of yours is without insurance or underinsured, they might not be able to pay for rehab or take care of their family financially while they’re away.

Fortunately, there are various government programs (such as Medicare and Medicaid) and acts that can help a patient financially while getting treatment.

Since paying for rehab usually costs a lot, a lot of states like Florida and California have publicly-funded rehab centers.

Not only that, but some companies offer programs that help their employees pay for rehab. If they’re concerned about losing their job, you can also inform them about the Family Medical Leave Act, which allows qualifying employees to get up to 12 weeks of leave every year.

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