Drug and Alcohol Treatment - Kealakekua
Drug and Alcohol Treatment - Kealakekua is located in Kealakekua, Hawaii and provides professional addiction treatment services. Their goal is to provide individuals suffering from addiction with the treatment and resources they need to achieve sobriety. The team of qualified professionals at Drug and Alcohol Treatment - Kealakekua are dedicated to helping their clients reach their recovery goals. Services they provide include individual, group, and family therapies, substance abuse education, relapse prevention, medication management, and aftercare planning. In addition to traditional therapies and services, the facility offers holistic treatment options such as yoga, meditation, massage, and other alternative therapies.
At Drug and Alcohol Treatment - Kealakekua, they understand that every individual has different needs and will create a personalized treatment plan tailored to each person's unique circumstances. Their staff is dedicated to providing supportive and compassionate care to ensure that each individual has the best experience possible during their journey to recovery. The staff works with each client on setting achievable goals and developing relapse prevention strategies to help them long-term. By providing individuals with the tools and resources they need, Drug and Alcohol Treatment - Kealakekua helps each client build a strong foundation for their recovery.
Drug and Alcohol Treatment - Kealakekua is licensed and accredited by the Joint Commission, a national accreditation body for health care organizations. They also have a dual diagnosis certification, meaning that they are qualified to provide treatment for co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders. Additionally, Drug and Alcohol Treatment - Kealakekua offers programs for veterans, first responders, and military personnel, designed to meet the specialized needs of these populations. By providing the highest quality of treatment and care, Drug and Alcohol Treatment - Kealakekua is dedicated to helping individuals struggling with addiction reclaim their lives.
- 2 Conditions Treated
- Insurance Accepted
- 2 Levels of Care
- Speaks English
- 10 Therapies & Programs
Conditions and Issues Treated
A person who struggles with addiction and a mental health condition suffers from a dual diagnosis. This means that they have two issues that must be treated. The specific mental health issues that the patient at Drug and Alcohol Treatment - Kealakekua might have include but are not limited to:
- Depression
- Bipolar Disorder
- Anxiety
- PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
The specific addiction issues that the patient might have include but are not limited to:
- Alcoholism
- Drug Addiction (i.e., Cocaine, Meth, and other stimulants, Marijuana, and Ecstasy)
The combination of the two illnesses can be tough to treat. Taking care of one or the other is tough, and taking care of both cannot be done alone. A patient who receives dual diagnosis treatment will be given the best chance at becoming sober.
Levels of Care
This center offers a variety of custom treatment tailored to individual recovery. Currently available are Dual-Diagnosis, Outpatient, with additional therapies available as listed below.
An outpatient treatment program is set up to help with alcohol or drug addiction or a co-occurring disorder. The treatment must attend the treatment facility for their therapy and other programs but return home each night. The frequency of mandatory attendance decreases after much of the treatment program is complete. The treatment programs are monitored by the treatment facility and case managers who work for a judge or judge’s office. A treatment program may be performed out of a treatment facility, treatment clinic, or treatment center.
The benefits of outpatient treatment programs are many. One of the most beneficial treatment programs is that it allows treatment for clients who cannot afford or may not be able to attend treatment at a treatment facility, treatment center, or treatment clinic full-time. Another benefit of treatment programs is that they reduce crime rates because treatment allows people to treat their addiction.
Therapies & Programs
Individualized Treatment is essential because it gives addicts the ability to participate in a program that meets their unique needs. An addict should work with professionals who understand what they’re going through, especially if the addict is actively using. Finding the right treatment program for an addict is difficult, but it’s even harder without communicating with those who have experience treating your specific situation.
Couples therapy is a treatment approach where the patients and their partners are engaged together. When a person becomes a victim of substance abuse, it affects the patient and his people, particularly his partner. Their relationship can become strained due to lack of communication, financial issues, loss of trust, lack of intimacy, and physical abuse in more severe cases. Couples therapy addresses these issues and tries to rebuild the trust between the partners. The partner’s involvement in the process will result in greater chances of treatment success and sustained recovery.
The therapies typically involve all family members, potentially including siblings, children, and parents who play a role in their daily lives. These sessions can be essential because they address past issues that may have affected an addict or alcoholic’s recovery process. They provide support during this time when it is needed most!
A family therapy session, often called a family meeting or intervention, is a necessary process that helps loved ones of addicts see their situation in a new light. It’s also one of the most challenging things families will ever have to do when they’re facing a loved one battling addiction or alcoholism.
Group therapy sessions provide recovering addicts with a chance to cope with everyday situations that many face. Group therapy sessions are held in rehab facilities, clinics, churches or community centers that offer drug addiction treatment.
People who attend these groups are encouraged to voice their feelings and support other addicts in recovery. This helps group members strengthen their own recovery program while cheering on others who are struggling with sobriety.
Trauma therapy allows them to work through past trauma to have peace of mind and begin down the road of sobriety. The therapist will work with the individual to help them understand their past and present relationships. Patients may often believe that something is inherently wrong with them or they are unworthy of love. The therapist aims to correct these negative feelings and behaviors by helping the person realize that their actions do not reflect who they truly are.
For people trying to kick their drug addiction, nutrition therapy at Drug and Alcohol Treatment - Kealakekua is a great tool. Nutritional deficiencies gradually creep in, and before you know it, you’re facing health problems. It helps restore balance to the body, and for many addicts, it represents the first step on the road to recovery.
Nicotine replacement therapy was developed to help people quit smoking. It does so by providing small doses of nicotine that control cravings and break smoking habits.
NRTC products like skin patches and gum deliver low-dose nicotine that prevents cravings, making the transition from smoker to non-smoker easier.
Patient Experience
Experiential Therapy at Drug and Alcohol Treatment - Kealakekua
Drug addicts can benefit from experiential therapy, which involves real-time activities to process trauma and emotions. This type of therapy is available at Drug and Alcohol Treatment - Kealakekua and can help reduce the need to resort to drugs and alcohol. Activities may include role-playing, use of props, and others. The individual learns to release suppressed thoughts that lead to negative feelings and embrace the present moment. Experiential therapy is beneficial in treating various disorders, including drug addiction, eating, and behavioral disorders.
Payment Options
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Location & Contact
79 -1020 Haukapila street
Kealakekua, HI 96750
Phone Number
(808) 322-4818
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Kealakekua, Hawaii Addiction and Treatment
Hawaii has one of the highest rates of drug abuse in the nation. Methamphetamines and marijuana are the most common drugs involved in drug-related crimes in Hawaii. The state loses $500 million every year due to methamphetamine abuse, according to the Hawaii Meth Project. More than 1 million prescriptions for prescription drugs are given out every year.
The drug addiction problem in Kealakekua, Hawaii, is bad. About 9% of people abuse drugs. Additionally, about 2% of people abuse heroin. In 2013, 15% of high school students reported using illicit drugs. An estimated 309,000 people used illicit drugs or abused prescription drugs within a month. It is important to find the right type of treatment for your specific needs, so thoroughly research your options.
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