Powell, TN Drug & Alcohol Treatment
2 Centers in Powell, Tennessee

Cherokee Health Systems - North Knoxville
Cherokee Health Systems in Powell, TN provides integrated primary and behavioral healthcare services, specializing in addiction recovery and mental health counseling with a holistic approach.
- Drug Detox
- Outpatient
- Insurance

Cherokee Health Systems - Powell
Cherokee Health Systems - Powell is a comprehensive medical clinic in Tennessee that specializes in treating mental health, addiction, and physical health needs, and offers a wide range of services including behavioral health, primary care, integrated care management and case management, and addiction and substance abuse treatment and recovery services.
- Outpatient
- Insurance
Drug & Alcohol Rehab Facilities near Powell, Tennessee

Opioid Settlement Funds in
Find Treatment in Tennessee
Tennessee joins the list of states with an above-average rate for drug and/or alcohol-induced deaths. Most of these deaths are related to opioids, such as prescription opioids. The Volunteer State ranks 2nd highest in the nation for the number of prescriptions given out. The state also ranks at the top for prescription drug-related overdoses.
Nearby Cities
- Pulaski, TN (180.3 mi.)
- Burns, TN (185.2 mi.)
- McEwen, TN (203.1 mi.)
- Linden, TN (217.4 mi.)
- Morristown, TN (40.9 mi.)
- Brentwood, TN (155.6 mi.)
Popular Tennessee Cities
- Nashville, TN (72)
- Memphis, TN (71)
- Knoxville, TN (52)
- Chattanooga, TN (40)
- Jackson, TN (20)
- Murfreesboro, TN (18)
- Cookeville, TN (14)
- Johnson City, TN (14)