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Use Fentanyl? Ask Yourself These Questions

  1. Have you ever bailed on plans with your squad because scoring Fentanyl felt like a bigger priority?
    Yeah, if you’re ditching your friends for Fentanyl, it’s not just about preferring your own company anymore. It’s a sign you’re valuing the drug over the people who should matter most. It isolates you, straining relationships that used to be your support system.
  2. Do you find yourself constantly broke because your cash seems to magically disappear into thin air (or, well, Fentanyl)?
    When you’re always scraping the bottom of your wallet, and it’s all going towards getting high, it’s a glaring red flag. Financial instability caused by drug spending can derail your future plans and leave you in a pretty tight spot.
  3. Is ‘I can quit anytime I want’ your go-to line, yet you never seem to actually quit?
    This classic denial is a biggie. If quitting was that easy, you wouldn’t be stuck in this loop. Recognizing that you’re not in control is the first step toward seeking help that can actually make a difference.
  4. Ever caught yourself lying or doing shady stuff just to get your hands on Fentanyl?
    Crossing lines you never thought you would is a telltale sign of addiction taking the driver’s seat in your life. It’s about more than just making bad choices; it’s a signal that your moral compass is getting hijacked by your need for the drug.
  5. Do you feel like crap – physically or mentally – when you try to cut back or stop using Fentanyl?
    Withdrawal symptoms are the body’s SOS signal that dependence has set in. Feeling sick without the drug is not just a rough patch; it’s your body screaming that it’s time to seek professional help.
  6. Has ‘just one time’ turned into ‘just one more time’ more times than you can count?
    If you find yourself in this repetitive cycle, it’s not about lacking willpower; it’s about being caught in the grip of addiction. Each “last time” that leads to another round is a step further away from being able to manage your life and make healthy choices.
Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff