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Recognizing the Trip: 6 Signs of Hallucinogen and Dissociative Addiction

1. Hallucinations: More Than Just Imagination

Experiencing vivid hallucinations, whether visual or auditory, is a hallmark sign of hallucinogen use. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) explains that substances like LSD can profoundly alter perceptions, leading to experiences of seeing or hearing things that aren’t there (“Hallucinogens,” 2020). When someone’s recounting of their experiences starts resembling a journey through a fantasy land, it’s a significant indicator of heavy use.

2. Finding Meaning in Everything

The perception-altering effects of hallucinogens can make the user attach deep significance to ordinary objects or events. According to research published by the American Psychological Association (APA), this heightened state of finding hidden meanings can signal an overreliance on substances to seek enlightenment or escape (“Substance Use and Mental Health,” 2019). If conversations take a turn towards interpreting mundane details as profound, it might be time to pay attention.

3. Detachment from Reality

Dissociatives like ketamine cause users to feel detached from their surroundings and even their sense of self, as outlined by NIDA (“Dissociative Drugs,” 2020). This detachment can manifest as zoning out or appearing disconnected during interactions. It’s a sign that the person might be struggling with their grip on reality due to frequent use.

4. Personality Changes

Sudden and drastic changes in behavior or mood can be linked to drug use. Hallucinogens and dissociatives can disrupt emotional regulation and social behavior, making users act out of character. The World Health Organization (WHO) notes that shifts in behavior and mood are common in substance users and can strain relationships (“Management of Substance Abuse,” 2018).

5. Memory Issues

Regular use of dissociatives can lead to memory lapses or difficulties, as they interfere with how the brain processes information. The Journal of Psychopharmacology reports that substances like ketamine can impair short-term memory, leading to noticeable gaps in recall (“Ketamine and Memory,” 2017). Frequent forgetfulness or confusion about recent events could be a sign of misuse.

6. Neglecting Responsibilities

Ignoring duties and responsibilities is a red flag for addiction. As the focus shifts towards the next experience, users might start overlooking work, school, or personal projects. NIDA highlights that neglecting responsibilities in favor of substance use is a clear sign of addiction (“Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment,” 2018).

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