HopeSparks - Puyallup
HopeSparks - Puyallup is a premier addiction and substance abuse treatment center located in Puyallup, Washington. They offer comprehensive treatment services designed to address addiction, trauma, and mental health issues, all in a safe, supportive environment. With a team of experienced clinicians and addiction experts, they provide individualized, evidence-based treatment plans that address the whole person and break the cycle of addiction.
HopeSparks - Puyallup offers a wide range of services for addiction and substance abuse, from residential and outpatient programs to detoxification, aftercare, and relapse prevention. They also provide individual and family counseling, as well as access to support groups and a variety of therapeutic services. They understand that addiction affects all aspects of life, so they strive to help their clients find a balance between physical, psychological, and spiritual health.
HopeSparks - Puyallup is certified with Washington State’s Department of Health Services and is accredited by The Joint Commission, making it one of the top choices for addiction treatment in the Puyallup area. Additionally, they are members of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP) and have won awards from Mental Health America for their excellent care and commitment to their clients’ well-being.
- 1 Conditions Treated
- LGBTQ+ Allied
- Insurance Accepted
- 1 Levels of Care
- Speaks English
- 10 Therapies & Programs
- Multiple Locations
Conditions and Issues Treated
Levels of Care
This center offers a variety of custom treatment tailored to individual recovery. Currently available are Outpatient, with additional therapies available as listed below.
Therapies & Programs
Individual therapy refers to one-on-one psychotherapy between a patient and their HopeSparks - Puyallup therapist. Individual therapy seeks to help identify the issues that drive and contribute to a client’s addiction or alcoholism. Another goal of individual counseling is to assist the client to learn how to manage their lives without alcohol or drugs.
Therapy for couples decreases unhealthy behavior in a relationship that can trigger addiction. Either, or both, members of the couple will be improved by this. This treatment administered by HopeSparks - Puyallup still targets addiction and can also make a relationship healthier through a variety of methods.
Group therapy occurs in a group setting as opposed to a one on one setting. It benefits patients by providing a feeling of support and letting them know they are not alone. Patients at HopeSparks - Puyallup also learn to build trust and understanding and gain perspective through discussions.
After experiencing trauma, it’s crucial to look for a facility that can provide trauma therapy. This approach zeroes in on the traumatic incidents that a patient has encountered in the past, recent or not. It’s been widely known that trauma can make an individual resort to alcohol or other substances to mask their troubles and pain. Trauma can originate from domestic violence, sexual abuse, an early encounter with death, sexual assault, and many more. The goal of trauma therapy at HopeSparks - Puyallup in Puyallup, WA is to help the patient see beyond the trauma and move forward. Mental health professionals will facilitate the patient’s journey and see to it that he or she is no longer a victim of his or her traumatic experiences and has wholly regained his or her personal power.
Most individuals suffering from addiction have low self-awareness, so they end up making poor decisions. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is suitable for patients recovering from an addiction of any kind. Through it, patients become more aligned with their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, giving them a better opportunity to respond appropriately to temptations and negative feelings.
This therapy modality at HopeSparks - Puyallup in Puyallup, WA strengthens a person’s ability to stay on top of their emotional state and learn new stress management techniques so they won’t give in to the temptations easily. Moreover, CBT helps people communicate and express their emotions well, which can be vital in relapse management. CBT is also suitable for managing co-occurring disorders like depression and bipolar illness.
Nutrition Therapy, or Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT), focuses on improving a patient’s mental and physical health through diet. A diet that is low in certain nutrients can lead to emotions that can trigger addiction or relapse. HopeSparks - Puyallup‘s Nutritional therapy promotes healthy eating to heal the body and prevent addictive behavior.
Patient Experience
Experiential Therapy at HopeSparks - Puyallup
Experiential therapy is a non-traditional treatment that uses physical activities to help work through troubling emotions. Role-playing, use of props, and re-enactments are just a few common techniques in experiential therapy at HopeSparks - Puyallup. Its goal is to help people work with troubling emotions, memories, and trauma that are the source of their psychological issues
Payment Options
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Location & Contact
1420 S Meridian
Puyallup, WA 98371
Phone Number
(253) 845-0864
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Puyallup, Washington Addiction and Treatment
Washington's substance use, abuse, and addiction rates have followed the trends of the rest of the over the past years. Methamphetamine abuse is the biggest threat to Washington. Heroin-related overdoses increased by almost 450% from 2006 to 2016. 20% of all annual deaths in Washington are somehow drug and/or alcohol-related. Drugs are widely abused in Washington because they are easily trafficked in and out of the state.
Pierce County, a vibrant region nestled in the heart of Washington, is known for its stunning natural beauty and thriving communities. However, beneath the surface, the county faces a formidable challenge: opioid-related overdoses, which have become the leading cause of accidental death, surpassing even motor-vehicle collisions and firearm fatalities. The rise of fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, has played a significant role in the alarming increase of overdose deaths, particularly among young adults aged 18-24.
Treatment in Nearby Cities
- Battle Ground, WA (97.4 mi.)
- Brush Prairie, WA (100.7 mi.)
- Keller, WA (179.4 mi.)
- Federal Way, WA (10.0 mi.)
- Davenport, WA (196.7 mi.)
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